
Giraffe Ossicones

Lots of animals have horns and antlers. But giraffes are one of only

two living species that have ossicones. While ossicones may look like a fuzzy

horn, horns are made of keratin, like fingernails. Ossicones are special because

they are made of cartilage that has turned into bone. As the giraffe grows, the

ossicone eventually fuses to the skull. Another difference between ossicones

and horns is that they are wrapped in a permanent covering of skin and hair.

Ossicones are used by males when fighting, adding a concentrated area of force

since they use their heads as clubs. The skin around the ossicones and the bone

itself are vascularized (meaning there are blood vessels in those areas), which

means it is also possible that the ossicones help with thermoregulation (body

temperature regulation), and helps to cool giraffes down.

 Ossicones are ossi-awesome!




Giraffe Vertebrae